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鲜花( 1352) 鸡蛋( 5)
楼主 |
发表于 2017-10-5 20:34
欢喜侬 绍兴路 fond of you, Shaoxing Road
昆剧团旁边是文艺出版社 the Art and Literature Press adjoins the Kunqu troupe
欢喜侬 福州路 fond of you, Fuzhou Road
走勒高头觉得自家老有文化 walking there makes me feel literate
欢喜侬 常德路 fond of you, Changde Road
张爱玲勒海搿搭生活过 Eileen Chang once lived here
欢喜侬 莫干山路 fond of you, Moganshan Road
三天勿吃饭就等展览开幕 starving three days to save money for the exhibition here
欢喜侬 东台路 fond of you, Dongtai Road
最好白相个就是搿眼假古董 the fake antiques are so interesting
欢喜侬 虬江路 fond of you, Qiujiang Road
刚拨偷个手机又勒搿搭出货 the cellphone newly stolen will be sold here
欢喜侬 董家渡路 fond of you, Dongjiadu Road
订作好裙子再扯两块布 order a dress then buy some cloths
欢喜侬 华亭路 fond of you, Huating Road
后首来侬搬到了襄阳路 later you moved to Xiangyang Road
请问侬买个啥个车 would you tell me what’s your car
请问侬辰光阿有多 would you tell me whether you are free
请问侬有勿有可能 would you tell me is it possible
陪我荡荡马路开开11路 to take the no.11 bus and wonder around with me
欢喜侬 吴江路 fond of you, Wujiang Road
侬拆脱以后我老久呒没光顾 I haven’t been here since you were demolished
欢喜侬 昌里路 fond of you, Changli Road
夜排挡等侬有空坐一坐 the night food stalls are waiting for you
欢喜侬 寿宁路 fond of you, Shouning Road
红地毯浪铺满了小龙虾 red carpets are scattered with crayfish
欢喜侬 铜川路 fond of you, Tongchuan Road
快买最新鲜个澳洲大龙虾 here sells the freshest Australian lobster
欢喜侬 成都路 fond of you, Chengdu Road
勒延安路路口盘了一条龙 There stands a pillar of dragon at the Yan’an Road intersection
欢喜侬 世博大道 fond of you, Expo Boulevard
车子开过去永远勿会堵 you won’t see a traffic jam there
欢喜侬 中山东一路 fond of you, no.1 east Zhongshan Road
外国人又回来开高级会所 the foreigners came again to open clubs
欢喜侬 金陵路 fond of you, Jinling Road
搿搭诞生了多少吉他英雄 How many guitar heroes have been born here
请问侬是啥星座 would you tell me which horoscope are you under
请问侬欢喜听啥歌 would you tell me your favourite song
请问侬是勿是愿意 would you tell me if you mind
陪我兜兜上海开开11路 to take the no.11 bus and loaf around with me
欢喜侬 甜爱路 fond of you, Tian’ai (“Sweet Love”) Road
勾好女朋友去压马路 take your girlfriend to go for a walk
欢喜侬 幸福路 fond of you, Xingfu (“Happiness”) Road
盯牢仔路牌再拿梦做做 I daydream while reading the street nameplate
欢喜侬 衡山路 fond of you, Hengshan Road
钓老外个小姑娘覅忒多 there’re lots of girls eager to date with foreigners
欢喜侬 程家桥路 fond of you, Chenjiaqiao Road
上海滩性价比最高个服务 it got the best sex service you can find in the town
请问侬买个啥个车 would you tell me what’s your car
请问侬辰光也有多 would you tell me whether you are free
请问侬有勿有可能 would you tell me is it possible
陪我荡荡马路开开11路 to take the no.11 bus and loaf around with me
请问侬是啥星座 would you tell me what sign are you under
请问侬欢喜听啥歌 would you tell me your favourite song
请问侬是勿是愿意 would you tell me if you mind
陪我兜兜上海开开11路 to take the no.11 bus and loaf around with me |
鲜花鸡蛋蝶风 在2017-10-6 21:31 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下