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楼主 |
发表于 2020-5-11 21:40
本帖最后由 竹轩听雨 于 2023-3-18 19:28 编辑
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- <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 微软雅黑, Microsoft YaHei; font-size: 20px;">
- <b>Ocean rose-海的玫瑰</b>
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- Shine Dion是挪威的一个二重唱组合,成立于1993年,其中Janne Hansen是主唱兼歌词创作者,Per Selor则负责作曲和吉他弹奏。他们喜欢在音乐中加入多种乐器演奏,如小提琴、风笛、萨克斯、曼陀林、三角铁、木吉他等。他们的音乐结合了挪威和爱尔兰的民谣曲调,而他们的创作灵感主要源自挪威当地的神话传说及风土人情。<br>
- 这首《Ocean rose》有种令人无法抗拒的忧郁气质,极少人听过后不为之动容。那唯美的意象,干净的旋律,苍凉而悠远的声音,让听者仿佛置身于故事的发生地,专注于那朵孤独白玫瑰的茫然若失,感慨于“沧海无涯”。某种说不清道不明感伤哽咽在咽喉,几近窒息,直到和她一同漂浮在蓝色海洋之上,直到目送她安然到达岸边,心才安定下来……<br>
- 这首歌曲适合在深夜闭上眼睛细细体味,将每一个乐符和歌者的每一声呼吸都一丝不漏地听进内心反复听,直到进入梦乡,遇见那朵在风中翩然起舞的快活红玫瑰……<br>
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- She was a silent white rose <br>
- Who lived in a tall iron tower <br>
- Barefoot she wandered in her room <br>
- Dreaming of a life and a lover <br>
- And in the nights she threw a net <br>
- Into the ocean wide and deep <br>
- Some of the things she caught in there <br>
- Made her sad and made her weep <br>
- <br>
- A fiery warmth embraced her heart <br>
- When sunrays caught her hair <br>
- And as she looked upon the world <br>
- Her longing got hard to bear <br>
- <br>
- She was locked in an iron tower <br>
- With windows but no doors to be found <br>
- Often she listened hard at night <br>
- For a voice in the ocean’s sound <br>
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- And voices were mingling with her own <br>
- Waves were singing, flee the tower <br>
- By the stairway that takes you down <br>
- Follow the ocean’s song my flower <br>
- And silently the rose went down <br>
- She was shivering in the dark and the cold <br>
- Through an opening in the wall <br>
- The ocean sang as foretold <br>
- <br>
- Floating upon the warm blue sea <br>
- By the waves to a shore she was led <br>
- Among the trees red roses grew <br>
- And the white rose turned to red...<br>
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