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发表于 2012-9-16 21:50
Bonnie B. West
As an American living abroad, I can tell you, nobody is going to come to our rescue on a white horse. I was just discussing this with my husband the other day, that if America needed help, not one country would come to help us. This is an extremely disturbing blow on so many levels, not least that the world will cheer when America falls. We haven't exactly made any friends out in the world, we have just held people over the barrel (no pun intended) so they would do our bidding, all the while spinning it to the American people that everybody loves us.
The American people did have a responsibility to demand transparency in the government so they weren't taken completely by these developments, but the propaganda machines of the corporations that really run the government and the secrecy in leadership are also to blame, systematically making the American people increasing hopeless and disillusioned by the governmental process. This was an intended consequence of their actions so they could run ram-shod over countries all across the globe. Just as long as The People were kept placated by shiny new toys and reality television. They worked hard to put Americans in debt and essentially created a nation of slaves to the corporations that kept wages low and jobs harder to come by, thus distracting them from the real issues.
It is no mistake that the major news media that is accessed by the majority of the people never really asked politians about the real issues and only fielded questions (to the persons supposedly duly elected to represent the ideas of the people that elected them) about emotive issues such as abortion, sex, and drugs. Nobody was doing any objective reporting on these things, giving the electorate essentially no information that would give them a clear picture of what our government was actually doing.
There have been voices warning of these calamities that are befalling the United States, but their voices fell on deaf ears because of the systemic disenfranchisement of Americans who just had gotten so far out of the loop, that these warnings were seen as lunacy. The hope and belief that Americans are all good people and that we could never be the bad guy prevented people from seeing or wanting to hear the truth. Even speaking about politics fell away from being a duty of an American to being seen as inflammatory speech that you just didn't want to get into less you offend people.
I like to see the bright side of things, if this in fact does spell the end of America as a superpower, then so be it. America has taken those reigns and abused its power with them. this might be the best thing to happen in America in a long time, because then it will force the people to put being involved in the political system back as a duty to the nation, and a duty that was given to us by the founders, rather than shutting your eyes and letting people unbeknownst to us dictate the outcomes FOR us intead of BY us.
Reply · 21 · · Friday at 4:43am |