鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
SCENE IX. Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.

Enter NERISSA with a Servitor
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
第九場 貝爾蒙特。鮑西婭家中一室

鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
Quick, quick, I pray thee; draw the curtain straight:
The Prince of Arragon hath ta'en his oath,
And comes to his election presently.
Flourish of cornets. Enter the PRINCE OF ARRAGON, PORTIA, and their trains

Behold, there stand the caskets, noble prince:
If you choose that wherein I am contain'd,
Straight shall our nuptial rites be solemnized:
But if you fail, without more speech, my lord,
You must be gone from hence immediately.
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
尼莉莎        赶快,赶快,扯開那帳幕;阿拉貢親王已經宣過誓,就要來選匣子啦。
鮑西婭        瞧,尊貴的王子,那三個匣子就在這儿;您要是選中了有我的小像藏在里頭的那一只,我們就可以立刻舉行婚禮;可是您要是失敗了的話,那么殿下,不必多言,您必須立刻离開這儿。
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
I am enjoin'd by oath to observe three things:
First, never to unfold to any one
Which casket 'twas I chose; next, if I fail
Of the right casket, never in my life
To woo a maid in way of marriage: Lastly,
If I do fail in fortune of my choice,
Immediately to leave you and be gone.
To these injunctions every one doth swear
That comes to hazard for my worthless self.
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
阿拉貢親王        我已經宣誓遵守三項條件:第一,不得告訴任何人我所選的是哪一只匣子;第二,要是我選錯了匣子,終身不得再向任何女子求婚;第三,要是我選不中,必須立刻离開此地。
鮑西婭        為了我這微賤的身子來此冒險的人,沒有一個不曾立誓遵守這几個條件。
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
And so have I address'd me. Fortune now
To my heart's hope! Gold; silver; and base lead.
'Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.'
You shall look fairer, ere I give or hazard.
What says the golden chest? ha! let me see:
'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.'
What many men desire! that 'many' may be meant
By the fool multitude, that choose by show,
Not learning more than the fond eye doth teach;
Which pries not to the interior, but, like the martlet,
Builds in the weather on the outward wall,
Even in the force and road of casualty.
I will not choose what many men desire,
Because I will not jump with common spirits
And rank me with the barbarous multitudes.
Why, then to thee, thou silver treasure-house;
Tell me once more what title thou dost bear:
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves:'
And well said too; for who shall go about
To cozen fortune and be honourable
Without the stamp of merit? Let none presume
To wear an undeserved dignity.
O, that estates, degrees and offices
Were not derived corruptly, and that clear honour
Were purchased by the merit of the wearer!
How many then should cover that stand bare!
How many be commanded that command!
How much low peasantry would then be glean'd
From the true seed of honour! and how much honour
Pick'd from the chaff and ruin of the times
To be new-varnish'd! Well, but to my choice:
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
I will assume desert. Give me a key for this,
And instantly unlock my fortunes here.
He opens the silver casket

Too long a pause for that which you find there.
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
阿拉貢親王        我已經有所准備了。但愿命運滿足我的心愿!一只是金的,一只是銀的,還有一只是下賤的鉛的。“誰選擇了我,必須准備把他所有的一切作為犧牲。”你要我為你犧牲,應該再好看一點才是。那個金匣子上面說的什么?哈!讓我來看吧:“誰選擇了我,將要得到眾人所希求的東西。”眾人所希求的東西!那“眾人”也許是指那無知的群眾,他們只知道憑著外表取人,信賴著一雙愚妄的眼睛,不知道窺察到內心,就像燕子把巢筑在風吹雨淋的屋外的牆壁上,自以為可保万全,不想到災禍就會接踵而至。我不愿選擇眾人所希求的東西,因為我不愿隨波逐流,与庸俗的群眾為伍。那么還是讓我瞧瞧你吧,你這白銀的寶庫;待我再看一遍刻在你上面的字句:“誰選擇了我,將要得到他所應得的東西。”說得好,一個人要是自己沒有几分長處,怎么可以妄圖非份?尊榮顯貴,原來不是無德之人所可以忝竊的。唉!要是世間的爵祿官職,都能夠因功授賞,不藉鑽營,那么多少脫帽侍立的人將會高冠盛服,多少發號施令的人將會唯唯听命,多少卑劣鄙賤的渣滓可以從高貴的种子中間篩分出來,多少隱瘖不彰的賢才异能,可以從世俗的糠秕中間剔選出來,大放它們的光澤!閒話少說,還是讓我考慮考慮怎樣選擇吧。“誰選擇了我,將要得到他所應得的東西。”那么我就要取我份所應得的東西了。把這匣子上的鑰匙給我,讓我立刻打開藏在這里面的我的命運。(開銀匣。)
鮑西婭        您在這里面瞧見些什么?怎么呆住了一聲也不響?
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
What's here? the portrait of a blinking idiot,
Presenting me a schedule! I will read it.
How much unlike art thou to Portia!
How much unlike my hopes and my deservings!
'Who chooseth me shall have as much as he deserves.'
Did I deserve no more than a fool's head?
Is that my prize? are my deserts no better?
To offend, and judge, are distinct offices
And of opposed natures.
鲜花(644) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
阿拉貢親王        這是什么?一個眯著眼睛的傻瓜的畫像,上面還寫著字句!讓我讀一下看。唉!你跟鮑西婭相去得多么遠!你跟我的希望,跟我所應得的東西又相去得多么遠!“誰選擇了我,將要得到他所應得的東西。”難道我只應該得到一副傻瓜的嘴臉嗎?那便是我的獎品嗎?我不該得到好一點的東西嗎?
鮑西婭        毀謗和評判,是兩件作用不同、性質相反的事。
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